Research report on pilot project with Technical University of Denmark

The commonness of sedentary behaviour in modern desk-centric workplaces poses significant health risks, including increased incidences of lower back and neck pains, as well as heightened susceptibility to chronic diseases like type-2 diabetes. To address this concern, Stan Solutions has developed Stan – a humanoid figure designed to encourage standing among employees during desk-bound work hours.

In line with WHO guidelines advocating for reduced sedentary time, Stan serves as a visual cue, gently nudging users towards a more active stance while working. By periodically bending down when users remain seated for prolonged periods, Stan encourages employees to adopt a standing position, thereby mitigating the adverse effects of sedentary behaviour.

A recent study evaluating the effectiveness of Stan demonstrated promising results. Participants using Stan exhibited a notable increase in standing time, accompanied by more frequent transitions between sitting and standing positions. These findings underscore Stan's potential to raise awareness and promote healthier workplace habits among desk-bound employees.

For further insights into the study and Stan's impact on reducing sedentary behavior, refer to the full research article by clicking the picture on the right.